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Add vetwork inspection types within LIM

See how to add vetwork inspection types on the ThoroughWorks app

There are 2 ways to add vet inspection work to a horse in your consignment.

Add vetwork from a viewers inspection card 

  1. Select sales from the bottom menu.

  2. Select a Sale (select the catalog cover image).
    LIM - APP sale catalogue image

  3. Click on live inspection management at the bottom of the screen.

  4. Click on the card you wish to add vetwork to, you can also access cards from the ready column if applicable.

  5. Select the 3 dots next to a lot number

  6. The pop up menu will allow you to record;
    - X-ray hip
    - Scope (generally from the repository)
    - Vet inspection 
    - Heart scan 
    - If the buyer has looked at the vet reports 
    - The star is for high interest 

  7. Selecting one or more of the above records will save against the lot on the inspection card. Once completed click away from the screen.
  8. Saving the whole card will also save as vetwork inspection types.

Adding vetwork for a single horse

  1. Select sales from the bottom menu.

  2. Select a Sale (select the catalog cover image).
    LIM - APP sale catalogue image

  3. Click on live inspection management at the bottom of the screen.

  4. Select the add vetwork icon on the top right hand corner of the screen, (this will appear as text on a tablet).

  5. Select the lot number.

  6. Select the vets name from the drop down list or enter in a new name.

  7. Select who the vet is representing (optional)

  8. Select the type of vetwork from the drop down list.

  9. Add in any comments.

  10. Click save and new to create new vetwork under the same vet while changing the lot number. Alternatively click save to close and save the current vetwork.