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Request access to a sale repository

See how to request access to a sale repository and select the appropriate access level


  1. Select all sales from the left hand side menu.
    Repo - All sales Vet

  2. In the list of sales, navigate to a sale and select request access.
    Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 12.04.35 PM

  3. The Repository Administrator will review your request and you will be notified when Approved or Denied.

Approved Access

1.Select all sales

Repo - All sales Vet

2.Select View Sale.

Repo - Vet view sale

3.Agree to the sales conditions to view the sale.

Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 4.43.42 PM

Denied Access

1.The Sales Admin will leave a reason for denial that you will need to action before requesting access to the sale again.